Keith B. Campbell has been involved in financial investigation and fraud examination since 1986. After graduation from college, he was recruited by the United States Government and became a GS-1811 (Special Agent) in the U.S. Treasury Department. He spent several years investigating a variety of cases including fraud, child pornography, smuggling, currency violations and the illegal export of high technology. In addition he was on occasion detailed to provide protection to dignitaries and government official including the President of the United States. After leaving the government Keith formed his own consulting company.

A firm advocate of higher education, Keith B. Campbell graduated from The University of Southern Mississippi in 1986, with a BS in Criminal Justice. Between 1986 and 1989 he spent several months in training at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Glynco, Georgia under the direction of the United States Treasury Department. In 2002, he passed the Certified Fraud Examiner exam. In 2004, he obtained his MBA from Tulane University in New Orleans, LA with a concentration in Finance.

One of the traits Keith most values is leadership. (Read more about Keith's personal leadership style.) Keith has been active in the Boy Scouts of America since age 8, having earned the rank of Eagle Scout, the Vigil Honor in the Order of the Arrow, and completed Woodbadge the adult leader training. He is also active in his church, The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, in Biloxi, Mississippi were he currently serves as congregation President. He also has served or is currently serving on the Board of Directors of several business and civic organizations.

Keith B. Campbell continues to pursue forensic accounting. Keith lives in Gulfport, MS with his lovely wife, Kim were they raise black Labrador Retrievers and the spirits of all who know them.

Stop Fraud Today P O Box 3255 Gulfport, Mississippi 39505-3255     (228) 832-2713
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